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Preliminary Proposals

Page history last edited by julie.staggers@unlv.edu 14 years, 7 months ago


Post your preliminary proposal for the Sustainability Project on your wiki page no later than noon, Wednesday, Feb.4. Review all of the proposals before class on Thursday, Feb. 5. Be prepared to discuss your proposal in class on Feb. 5. The class will select projects for the semester at the end of that class period.


Remember, there are several ways you could approach this project. For example, identify a specific local sustainability problem and propose a solution; help a local organization or group improve communication processes/public education about existing sustainability initiatives; make an argument to a local group that they should adopt measures adopted on other campuses/in other cities, etc.


Directions: Copy the proposal format here into an MS-Word document, write your proposal, and then copy your completed proposal onto your own wiki page.


Proposal: Your title/topic goes here


Proposed by:

Your Name

Email/best way to contact you for more info



Include a short (paragraph or less) summary of the proposed project here. Identify the project, how it relates to our focus on sustainability (environmental? economic? social?), and explain what makes this project good/worthwhile/feasible.



Include an introduction here that answers the following questions (see Guidelines on pg. 415 of text):

  • What is the problem or opportunity?
  • What is the purpose of this proposal? (i.e. purpose of this mini-proposal is to get class to consider taking on "X" project, purpose of the next proposal will be to do research and make recommendations)
  • What is the background of the problem or opportunity?
  • What are your sources of information?
  • What is the scope of your proposal?


Preliminary Proposed Program

Explain what you want to do/how you would carry out this proposal as specifically as possible. Identify the target audience for your final report. Summarize preliminary research that you've done on the topic. Identify the types of research that will need to be done to complete the process (consider both primary and secondary research). Provide links to resources/sources of information.



Describe your qualifications to work on this particular project. Why did you choose this project/how are you connected to this issue? Do you have contact with the potential target audience/client for the final report? What are your strengths/weaknesses as a team member/leader? (Think in terms of technical skills but also in terms of people skills.) 

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