Links: Stage 1: Research Proposal / Stage 2: Progress Report / Stage 3: Recommendation Report / Stage 4: Project Assessment Memo
Each team will submit a written progress report of their project. This report should be 3-5 pages.
The progress report is divided into two primary sections: Work Completed and Work Remaining. A good progress report provides actual results; it doesn't merely say “I've made lots of progress on this project.” You need to be specific and detailed. It reports key findings to date, albeit in a tentative fashion. In short, a progress report previews the final report to follow.
As with any memo, this section should set the context of your work for the reader and explain the reason for the progress report.
Work Completed
This section should present preliminary findings, preliminary conclusions, and what problems have occurred in the research to date.
Work Remaining
This section should inform the reader about the status of the project, referring especially to the gantt chart. It should inform the reader if the project is on schedule and proceeding as planned, as well as any significant changes that have occurred in the scope or organization of the research. Finally, you should provide a detailed description of what research needs to be done, what you will gain from this research, and goals for the rest of the project.
Individual Group Evaluation
The group evaluations need to describe the contribution of each member of the team (including yourself), how these contributions have helped or hindered the progress of the project, and what suggestions you would make to insure the group's success.
As with any memo, briefly summarize the report, offer to answer any questions that the reader may have, and provide an open avenue for communication.
Resources for this assignment
For samples and grading criteria for this assignment see:
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