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Michael: Please, PLEASE upload the background section of our research design proposal. We can't do full document editing until we have your part.
The Viability of Hemp as a Paper Material
- This project will determine the viability of hemp in terms of costs, eco-friendliness, and ethics.
- This project will address a specific audience at UNLV's department of Environmental Studies. NOTE: We need to physically go down to the department and contact a secretary for information on budget officers and other officials. Please use the message board so we can figure out a time/date.
- Jenna - 702-238-4029
- Jock - 702-413-2760
- Michael - 702-521-9528
- Greg - 412-482-4727
- Kickoff: Feb. 10
- Research Design Plan Complete: March 3
- Progress Report Complete: March 19
- Oral Presentation Complete: April 2
- Recommendation Report Complete: April 30
- Release: ??
- Celebration: ??
Research Design Proposal
- Opening/introduction - Jenna
- Background - Michael
- Primary/secondary questions
- Introduce members
- Method - Jock
- Interview/survey to find out about current attitudes
- Buy some hemp paper and assess the quality
- Potential Obstacles or Problems - Greg
- Potential problems finding credible sources of information
- Schedule - Jenna
- Conclusion - All of us
Research Design Proposal Schedule
- Finish research design plan by the 26th so Jenna can edit the paper over the weekend before the due date.
Comments (1) said
at 9:26 am on Feb 13, 2009
Hey Guys,
This info came across my UNLV News Service. Don't know whether it will help you or not.
Congratulations to the entire campus! We recycled an amazing total of 697 tons of material in 2008! That is 2.8 tons per work day (based on 248 work days per year)!
Here is the breakdown of materials recycled in 2008:
Cardboard - 188.1 tons
White Paper - 89.6 tons
Mixed Paper - 146.6 tons
Shredded paper - 40.8 tons
Newspaper - 53.3 tons
Chipboard (cereal box type material) - 17.8 tons
Hardback Books - 7.7 tons
Softback Books - 51.2 tons
Telephone Books - 19.9 tons
Plastic #1 and #2 - 15.1 tons
Aluminum - 3.2 tons
Scrap metal - 63.7 tons
The total amount of paper, cardboard, and books (fiber) was 615 tons. We also recycled 2,500 toner cartridges and about 9,000 pounds of reusables from the Residence Halls May Move-Out Program (which was donated to Opportunity Village).
To see how the 2007 figures compare to 2008 numbers, please visit our web page at Please note, we are working to update our web page so come back often to see the new content.
As a reminder, the UNLV Rebel Recycling Program offers the following services to UNLV:
1) Regular pick ups of recyclables. For a schedule of our route or a list of what we accept, please email me.
2) We have small desk side bins available for free. We do not empty these small bins because we do not have keys to offices, but you can dump the bin directly into your department's larger paper recycling bin. If your area does not have an aluminum/plastic or a paper bin, please call and request one.
3) We have office clean
More information can be found here:
Contact: Tara Pike
Phone: 702-895-3760
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